List of Companies in Mesnil, Mauritius
Searching for businesses in Mesnil? Explore a directory of 6 companies located in Mesnil, Mauritius. Top companies in Mauritius, businesses near me.
We found 6 companies
Morc UBP Mesnil , Mesnil
Hammer Construction is a company established to fulfil all clients demands in terms of building construction. We provide quality construction in terms of durability, aesthetically and environmentally ...
Verified+8 Years with us
1 ReviewKarina International
464, tagore lane, Mesnil
Our main office is located in mauritius, and our production unit is in madagascar. We employ 1,200 enthusiastic people, of whom 1,100 are dedicated to production, 55 to quality control and 45 work in ...
Verified+10 Years with us
2ArchNet Ltd
R. Tagore Lane, Mesnil, Phoenix, Mauritius, Mesnil
ArchNet specialises in the implementation of complex web based applications such as Ecommerce Platforms, Enterprise Resource Planning systems, web platforms and many more. ArchNet Ltd is also a techno...
Verified+12 Years with us