Questions & Answers for Jumbo Riche Terre

Here you will find questions & answers for Jumbo Riche Terre. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yelo Mauritius users.
Went to do shopping in the supermarket , 5 item i took was mention the article at low price , when going to the cashier all the 5 items price are different around 30 rupees more than the advertised price, why so?, and how many people are paying more than expected , it's not good to do so , and the officer they cannot do anything need to pay the actual price that the cashier machine show
How has Jumbo changed and evolved over time?what is the shopping center core activity?what is their corporate strategy?what are their goals?what parts of their business are growing and generate the most revenue?how is your firm seeking to increase revenue in the future?

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