Questions & Answers for Pensionnat Chez Pierre - Rose Hill

Here you will find questions & answers for Pensionnat Chez Pierre. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yelo Mauritius users.
Une chambre pour une personne pendant un mois combien cela fera?
A room for 2 persons..for 2 much ?
How much is a room please?
Does bith require id?
Je veux prendre une chambre pour deux personnes pour 5hr.. Et vous pouvez me dir combien sava me coûte..?
I want a room for 4hours
for 2persons
how much it costs.?
I would like to know how much you rent a room per day (for 2 person) ?
Thanks to also advise whether I need to book a day before or will
there be available room anytime ?
If I need to arrange for booking, pls kindly advise a contact number.

Thank you & await your feedback.

I want a room for three hours much it cost
What about payment n how many hours?

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