Dr Mudoo Chest Physician is a leading medical practice in Mauritius, providing exceptional care to patients suffering from a wide range of chest-related illnesses. Located in the heart of the city, the practice offers comprehensive services and treatments for both adults and children. From diagnosis and management of respiratory conditions, to the management of asthma and allergies, the team at Dr Mudoo Chest Physician provides superior care in a friendly and supportive environment. The practice makes use of the latest technology and techniques to provide accurate diagnosis and effective treatments. With a team of experienced and dedicated professionals, Dr Mudoo Chest Physician is committed to providing the highest quality of care to its patients. The practice is dedicated to helping its Show more patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing, and strives to provide a safe and comfortable healthcare experience. Dr Mudoo Chest Physician is committed to providing the best possible care, and is dedicated to helping its patients live healthy and fulfilling lives.
Please call on 5775246 for an appointment.
Kindly note that I'm not giving consultations at my residence. Thank you.
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